Otis A. Jones Educational Institute Graduates
The NCSS Institute was established as part of Past-President Otis Jones’ (1986) presidential goals. The first Institute was held January 5-9, 1987 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh and had 43 surveyors in attendance. Since 1987, NCSS has continued to provide this educational program, typically offered every two years. The program offers intensive study on important and up-and-coming topics to grow surveyors in their knowledge, technology, and professionalism. These graduates have completed sections A, B and C of the Institute, with a total of 27 Professional Development Hours in each section.
James Adams
Lloyd B. Adams
Paul F. Akers
Jeffery C. Allen
David Alley
Gregory B. Armentrout
Derward W. Baker
Jimmy C. Barbour
A. R. Barnes
John L. Barnes
Jimmy E. Bass
Bruce Beavers
Ted M. Benbow
Raymond C. Behrens
James G. Beyer
T. R. Bishop
Eliza C. Bishop
Phil M. Bonifant
H. Stephen Bowers
Timothy Bowes
James T. Bradley
Richard A. Brandon
Timothy Brothers
Charles R. Brown
Jimmy C. Bunce
Carl D. Bunton
Linwood E. Byrd
Anthony E. Campbell
John Capps, Jr.
William R. Capron
William Dennis Campbell, III
Paul T. Canalizo
John Capps, Jr.
Ronald H. Carpenter
John K. Causby
Jody B. Childress
John E. Clay
Kenneth D. Close
William R. Coleman
Dan H. Collier
Eugene L. Conway
Simon Cox
James B. Crouch
Richard C. Current
S. Taylor Currin
Bruce A. Daniels
Charles M. Davis, Jr.
James E. Davis
Robert H. Davis
Raymond B. Dawber
William T. Dement, Jr.
Andrew T. Edgemon
Zackery S. Edgemon
Linda D. Edmondson
Jay English
Timothy J. Esolen
Michael J. Evans, Sr.
Reginale Evenson
Robert G. Fields
Billy F. Felton
Charles J. Ferguson
Matthew Day Foster
Stephen S. Foster
Wesley G. Fox
John T. Furmage
Joseph Thomas Gallagher
Kenneth L.Gallimore
W. Douglas Gamber
Kendall E. Gaskins
Edward M. Gerringer
Michael E. Gizinski
Michael D. Goodfred
T. Scott Gordon
Joseph N. Grady, Jr.
Ronald O. Graham
Jay A. Hallman
Charles O. Hampton, Jr.
Ronald Harding
Frank L. Hayes
Philip T. Hedrick
Kevin D. Hefner
Algie D. Hicks
Sylvia B. Higdon
Charles E. Hinnant
Jeff S. Hladun
Donnie H. Holmes
Richard James Homovec
J. Mike Honeycutt
John R. Howard
William C. Howard, Jr.
Fred C. Howell
David Mark Huffman
Rogell E. Hunsucker
Bradley L. Hunter
Tommy R. Hutchens
C. Wayne Hyatt, Jr.
George Anthony Insogna, Jr.
Clarence A. Jenkins
Gene W. Johnson
R. Joel Johnson
Otis A. Jones
Eugene N. Jordan
Daniel W. Joyner
John E. Keen
A. Bowman Kelly
James G. Kennedy
Edward L. Killough
Hurley T. King
Wm. Larry King
Kristopher M. Kline
Michael M. Lacey
Jerry R. Lackey
Robert J. Lackey
Joseph F. Laird, III
D. Dobbins Lattimore
Patrick C. Lee
Robin L. Lee
John B. Link
Kim R. Lilly
John Logsdon
Charles S. Logue
George Scott Logue
George C. Love, Jr.
Willie I. Lumpkin, Jr.
Charles D. Mackey
Sam T. Marlowe
Ray Mason
W. Stanton Massengill
Richard A. McCannell, II
William H. McCarthy, Jr.
Walter R. McCracken
Robert B. McHenry, Sr.
Darrell Miller
Kenneth T. Mills
Peter R. Moran
Eric Paul Morgan
Michael A. Moss
Frank G. Mundy II
Henry W. Murray
Richard E. Navy
Jimmy Nelson
James J. Nivens
Edward N. Orange
Ronald L. Oxendine
George L. Pace
George T. Paris
Jerry A. Parker
Stephen T. Paul
Charles V. Powell
James L. Powell
Kenneth T. Presson
F. Elliott Quinn
Randy Rambeau, Sr.
Linwood L. Rawls
Wyche H. Ray, Jr.
Rudolf E. Rehquate
Walter Reynolds
Robert C. Rhyne
Norman G. Ribelin
Joseph C. Roberts
Andrew H. Robinson
Marion L. Sandlin, Jr.
Keith A. Shrader
Gaston W. Shelley
Charles Shoaf
David N. Simpson
Wayne T. Sims
J. Dean Slate
Larry Slaughter
Burl H. Smith, IV
E. Steve Smith
James R. Smith Jr.
David H. Snider
John S. Steele
David K. Stern
Sherrill H. Styers
David E. Summey
Kenneth D. Suttles
Ronald A. Swift
Phillip M. Taylor
Jack M. Thomas
Tony K. Thomas
Gary W. Thompson
Paul Toti
Rodney L. Trexler
Steve W. Tuck
Johnny D. Varney
W. Anthony Vaughn
C. Phil Wagoner
Kevin C. Wall
P. Rex Walker
Leroy Waters, Jr.
Joseph E. Whaley, Jr.
Bennett White, Sr.
Lee O. White
Sherie Williard
Richard W. Willis
David J. Wilson
Donald P. Wilson
Jonathan Witherspoon
Mark E. Wood
Steve F. Yuhasz